
  • 22 Jan
  • Joined Dec 15, 2024
  • 0 best answers
  • Level 2
    310 Points
  • @Sunrise: If you want to stay or even grow on the Swiss Market you have to learn one specific point about Swiss people: they are very sensitive about legal imperfections, even this is only about one CHF. They will going to sue you about 1 CHF if they are convinced they are right.

    So for sure your current strategy of ignorance will not work here.

    In Switzerland we also know the strategy of GOODWILL. This may come to the rescue here, and even will be cost effective for sure.

    Just compare the cost (SUNK COST in both cases).

    The goodwill cost in such cases may be 100…200 CHF in 95% of all cases.

    The legal cost will not be below 1000 CHF in 95% of all cases, not implying the damage of reputation. Restoring a spoilt repution costs not below 10k in advertizing and promotion efforts, as a cautious estimation.

    So if I were you, this is a nobrainer what to do in each case. Consider this cost as marketing cost, and that is essentially what it is.

    With your current policy you actually do the contrary: All the money you invest into marketing and promotion is rendered void and wasted by this kind of customer complaint handling from your side.

    So better STOP all promotion efforts right now, as this money is completely wasted until you have cleaned your backyard. Just a little advice from nobody. LISTEN or GO. Choose.

  • Step 1: Collect proof. Record phone calls. Let a witness write them down. Take a witness with you to the store.

    Step 2: Involve a lawyer.

    Step 3: Sue them

    NB Phone recordings are not allowed as proof IAW Swiss Law but write downs of phone calls by witnesses are. Basically that means if you record and play to a witness who writes it down that is valid.

    Under no circumstances you pay invoices, as this may mean you agree. Just let them call the executor and refuse them officially. Then they have to sue you. If you have collected proper evidence they have no chance. They know it very clearly. So relax.

  • The main point here is: We are NOT talking about stupidity (which I could forgive). We are talking about INTENTION. That is why we are moving over to the illegal section in Swiss Law. I am sure that Sunrise is clearly aware of this, and just hopes for the patience and stupidity of its Swiss customers. Well, and apparently this calculation is working quite good up to now. Or should I say : has worked quite good….

  • Another proof of their incompetence! Today I went to a Sunrise store in St. Gallen, thought They could help me… The guy was friendly but told me directly: while he can see the problem in the system and confirms that I am totally right, he is not allowed to help me by his managers. So only those could help me. I asked, how can I reach those? Yeah only by phone…. That is what I have tried for months. Well, mission impossible. So Daniele: What the fuck you are paid for? Just reading this, sitting there, and CONTEMPLATING YOUR FINGERNAILS.

    Now you understand, why I say : JUST SUE THEM. Expect no help, neithe in this forum by Daniele, nor elsewhere, in a store, over the phone, in writing: All waste of time.

    Sunrise intentionally avoids all kinds of communication in order to avoid solving any problems. This is clearly illegal action in Switzerland and will be punished by law. This company will be shut down. No room for this business practise here in this country, rest assured.

    • RichardH

      As you see clearly: Daniele does not even care about it. Have no illusions about customer service at Sunrise. It simply does not exist. The only way they get to speed: sue them. That finally accelerates things. Very sad to say so, but no other choice left.

      I am waitng more than a month for a chargeback promised to happen within 24 h. Just nothing. Now it gets much more expensive Sunrise. You will get what you have asked for. This stupidity alone makes me speechless.

      But rest assured: on the Swiss market there is no space for you traitors from UK. We will send you back home, for sure. You still can apologize and resolve, Daniele, I just don’t believe you will, as history tells. This may not even be your own fault, as far as working for them is not your fault….

        Ich kann Ihnen nur raten, diesen Saftladen zu verklagen, etwas anderes hilft hier kaum.