
  • 22 Jan
  • Joined Dec 15, 2024
  • 0 best answers
  • Level 2
    310 Points
  • RichardH

    As you see clearly: Daniele does not even care about it. Have no illusions about customer service at Sunrise. It simply does not exist. The only way they get to speed: sue them. That finally accelerates things. Very sad to say so, but no other choice left.

    I am waitng more than a month for a chargeback promised to happen within 24 h. Just nothing. Now it gets much more expensive Sunrise. You will get what you have asked for. This stupidity alone makes me speechless.

    But rest assured: on the Swiss market there is no space for you traitors from UK. We will send you back home, for sure. You still can apologize and resolve, Daniele, I just don’t believe you will, as history tells. This may not even be your own fault, as far as working for them is not your fault….

      Ich kann Ihnen nur raten, diesen Saftladen zu verklagen, etwas anderes hilft hier kaum.

    • Hello, It is a little frustrating every month calling the helpdesk for the same problem which they promise they have fixed and which gets escalated every month to the next level and the next stage is debt collection.

      I have clearly on my account two devices which belong to my service, which for some reason I am supposed to return. I ring the help desk who tell me the problem is fixed but every month the mail requesting the return gets nastier. I have no clue how to fix this as everybody says it is fixed but it is clearly not…

      How do I get this resolved if I cannot rely on the helpdesk or a shop?