
  • vor 3 Tagen
  • Beitritt 25. Sept 2015
  • 0 beste Antworten
  • Level 1
  • Thanks for taking a look. I could imagine that it was a bug. In the meantime, we only have “DE” for audio. When I first posted, we have a choice between “DE” and “IT” - so it seems to me that someone is still working on finding a solution.

  • I’ve recently been onboard to Sunrise as a former UPC client and notice that the video-on-demand film options are primarily available only in German/French. Is there anything that can be done to change this? UPC provided the option to watch the movies in original language in English, which I am greatly missing.

    • I like the transparency of this post. I don’t like the fact that the issue was recognized at 12:55, the fact that my personal service status continues to say everything is available in a nice shade of green and the fact that an SMS was only sent at 18:45.

      To make matters worse, I can’t find a helpline phone number to call on the website anymore. 

      Good luck on fixing the issue!

    • My current iPhone has a smashed display on the bottom right corner and requires at least two rechargings each day. Could it be Christmas come early for me?