• FestnetzUPC Phone
  • English
  • All outgoing calls give a busy tone and incoming callers get a busy tone

After a while* our fixed phones can no longer dial out - we get a dial tone and can dial, but every connection is busy.  And at that time any incoming callers get a busy tone for our numbers.

The only way I can fix this is to restart the Connect box.

The connect box shows no errors (see attached) and there is no way to restart just the voip connection.

This has been happening for years (on a previous box too) and is really inconvenient - we have no idea when it happens and just discover it when we try to make a call.  We potentially miss many incoming calls.

Is UPC aware of this issue with the connect box telephony?  Can it be fixed permanently?

It’s also inconvenient to interrupt the internet connection for this.

*days or weeks or months - it’s occasional

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18 jours plus tard

@ch-ris , If you can reset one of your phones or test another one, that would be good. I still don’t see a call to our support in the system. Also, your request was not recorded in our system and forwarded to the experts.

Please contact our support again and ask the specialists to enter a ticket.



Hi Daniele,

We have contacted in the past by calling the technical support.  They check the box remotely, but cannot find anything.

You have to realise that having just reset the box in order to make the call to technical support, there is nothing wrong at that time.  Unless they are logging the processes on the box and then are able to look into them, they will find nothing when I call.

Yes, of course we reset our box.  Or did you mean that I somehow reset all the phones in the house to factory settings and wipe all stored numbers to fix this?  Surely it’s the Connectbox that is causing the issue?



@ch-ris , Welcome to the Community!
I see that you haven’t contacted our technical support about this yet. Please contact our colleagues so that they can receive your request. Did you reset your phones once?



2 ans plus tard

Thanks Daniele.
To give closure. We now simply restart the box regularly to deal with this and my other issue of non responsive wi-fi. It works to do it every 2 weeks or so. And I’ve since read that for wi-fi it is normal to need to restart your router to free connections that have been left open by devices. Some routers allow you to schedule a regular restart time in their software for this reason.

2 ans plus tard