Daniele_Sunrise I am using the Connect Box 3 Wifi (the netgear wifi is only used where the connect box 3 wifi is very weak, due to walls and distance to the box), but mostly I use directly the one from the connect box.
additionally: the issue is not restricted to a wifi. The problem behaves the same, whether I am in the Netgear wifi or in the ConnectBox Wifi. In both cases the temporary disablement of the auto proxy discovery fixes the problem. using a LAN connection via the Netgear router behaves also the same: without auto proxy discovery it works, enabling it, it does not work (so on LAN I don’t have the problem, as there the option “auto proxy discovery” is not enforced).
All that said: what I can try is turn off the Netgear Router and see if the problem persists or if the existence of the netgear router is causing it. I will try tonight.
However, I have colleagues that don’t have a Netgear Router (they might have another additional router) but have the exact same issue. => the issue has really nothing to do with my hardware or my network.
Again, reproducing the issue using connect box 3 fibre and an apple laptop with “auto proxy discovery” on would likely immediately proof that this issue is not limited to my setup.