
  • 2 feb
  • Si è iscritto 6 giu 2023
  • 0 risposte migliori
  • Livello 2

    Hello I received a letter informing me that the 3-in-1 cable connection contract was canceled since January 15. The contract was under UPC but since the move to Sunrise the contract was canceled and I no longer need to pay this separately.
    However I received an invoice for 480.50 CHF charging for the same thing from 1st of March. The invoice has a date of 14 of January.
    Should this invoice be rejected?

    Reference number: 2661602
    Invoice number: 54869058

      Hi Mattia

      Yes for my account the move was scheduled and happened yesterday. I see my UPC product’s name was updated to the Sunrise name.
      I was only wondering if there is a way to see all my Sunrise products under one login on My Sunrise app.

      Thanks for your reply!

      • Modificato

      Customer number is 6042836-1.

      I don’t see my UPC product listed on My Sunrise app. I only see my mobile subscription.

      Do I need to login not with my mobile number but another way?

      The move from UPC to Sunrise was supposed to happen today.

      Edit: I do see my UPC product under my landline.
      Shouldn’t all my products now be under one customer number ?

      Customer number is 6042836-1.

      I am having issues with connecting Netflix to the WiFi, either via my phone or my TV box. It gives connection error.

      Also no apps can be downloaded on my phone via WiFi.

      Is there a general Internet outage?

        I have an issue with my internet connection. My router keeps resetting (disconnecting and connecting again) and it’s causing connection issues. Are there any planned disruptions in my area? Or is something wrong with my router? Customer number is 6042836-1.

          Sunrise_Team Yes I had this for some time now. Also internet coverage has been quite slow. I thought it might be my iPhone, however I am using iPhone 12, so it shouldn’t cause an issue.


          is it normal to only get 50% of the maximum signal on my Sunrise mobile connection? My subscription is “Europe data”. I have checked my area and there is coverage. Not interested in 4G/5G internet coverage, only overall signal coverage.

          Thank you
