I just received the 10chf/month Digicard - now I’m receiving also the channels from Horizon TV list.

- 11 avr. 2021
- Inscrit 26 nov. 2017
- 0 meilleure réponse
- Niveau 166
I just received the 10chf/month Digicard - now I’m receiving also the channels from Horizon TV list.
I looked more and it seems that in the end the 10/month really gives you the additional channels:
- in upc flyer from 2017.01 - https://www.raeber-fischer.ch/app/download/6850487656/upc_Q1_17_1.pdf?t=1511269180 - is crystal clear that this is true (page 12)
- in upc flyer from 2017.10 - https://www.raeber-fischer.ch/app/download/7374443456/upc_flyer_10.17..pdf?t=1511269180 - is not that crystal clear, but still seems true.
What is certain, is that in myupc I can add the Digicard product to my Connect 50 and order it. Maybe upc intentionally obfuscate this to encourage people to order the Horizon box.
I have Basic TV with my UPC internet connection (what is called Connect 50). I went for UPC just so I don’t need another box to receive TV (e.g. like the Horizon HD Recorder or some other mediabox).
My understanding, but this is not very clear on UPC web site, is that if I add a Digicard for 10 chf/month I will get the other channels, (Horizon TV channel list? - this is not clear either) which you can get with the Horizon HD recorder for 20 chf/month, for no additional cost - except the 10 chf/month for the Digicard?
Can someone confirm this - maybe a link to the upc website.