
  • 19 juin 2024
  • Inscrit 22 oct. 2014
  • 0 meilleure réponse
  • Niveau 1
  • adrianlondon I was able to do all that in my old router as well, but the new one doesn’t allow. I believe it’s some limitation in the interface and I hope Sunrise would resolve it.

    Daniele_Sunrise I was able to change the names in the Connect app, but those are local to the app and not transferred to the interface in my browser. Please, if you could pass on to the relevant department that this interface needs to be improved and provide at least these basic options

    • Thanks for your response. That doesn’t appear to work. I have reserved some IP addresses for in the reserved list I cannot edit the name. Do you have a manual to do this?

      I see what seems like options to add names in the security - MAC Filter or under wireless - security, but this comes with consequences like excluding those devices from my network…

      • Sunrise_Team

        That’s unfortunately not the answer and it’s a completely different topic.

        I am talking about changing the name of my devices connected to my WiFi network, not about changing the wifi network name. And I am not talking about that internet box, but the new Connect Box 3 which was just deployed and which provides very limited configuration possibilities to the end user, and as well, wrong or conflicting information in its setup page.

        • The new config page has very limited possibilities. I can’t even rename devices. In “connected devices” it says it can be done from “home” but this is not the case.