Rruyy Hi there, I signed yesterday for a 2 years Sunrise signature. I have 4G+ signal on my mobile phone and a Mobile XL pack 5G up to 2Gb speed. But I only get 6Mb download and 3Mb upload. Something is very wrong.
Sunrise_Team Do you always have this speed, or does it occur at specific locations where you are? Best regards, Jessica
Rruyy Sunrise_Team I got the speed test app and always have this kind of speeds. On the same place I had this morning better speed (100mb) but just tried now at the same place twice and it is the 6mb download speed again.
Daniele_Sunrise Rruyy Please contact our support team on 0800 707 707 for an in-depth analysis of your issue. They have a coverage map of the mobile network and can assist you with troubleshooting. Greetings Daniele