So I have two Sunrise mobile numbers and one Lyca number used on a different device. All numbers could communicate normally until almost two weeks ago, in May 2023. However, whenever I try to call my Sunrise numbers from the Lyca number, I receive the message, “Die aangeurefene nummer is nicht vergeben, The number you have called hasn’t been assigned.” I have contacted Lyca’s support multiple times, and they assured me there is no issue on their side. To address the problem, they provided me with a new mobile number and SIM card, but the issue persists when calling my Sunrise numbers.
Here’s what I have tried to resolve the issue:
- Calling from the Lyca number to any other number works fine.
- There are no issues When my Sunrise numbers call the Lyca number.
- Calling international or other Lyca numbers from the Lyca number works without problems.
- There are no blocks on either the sender or receiver phones. I even switched the Lyca SIM card from the first device to another iPhone and then to a Samsung device, but I still encountered the same voice message.
- I placed the Lyca number in the Samsung phone and attempted to call my Sunrise numbers on my iPhone, but I received the same voice message.
- I asked Sunrise support to turn off my spam call filter and still, the issue is not resolved. 🙁 Any ideas?
- With my lyca number i tried calling another Sunrise mobile (not my number) and it worked as if the issue is on my side the receiver’s side, based on the research that I did. It`s always the receiver’s end that is the problem with # not assigned messages.
- A network profile reset from Sunise has been made, and the issue has not been resolved.
- All phones are up to date
- To summarize, everything works fine with my Lyca number until I need to call my phone numbers from the Sunrise provider.