Connect Box (Compal)


that dekstop application doesn’t seem to work. I’m attaching a spapshot with an error: “one or more measures could not be executed”.

Which cat. of LAN Cable are you using?

> Standard one

Is it the original one, from the modem?

> I’d say so but I don’t really know. I’ve tried with several ones with same outcome.

What does your socket look like? 2- or 3-holes?

> 3 holes

Have you tried to disable your firewall?

>I don’t have any.

Which Security Software are you using?

> I don’t have any (running in Ubuntu)


Using cable and webtest the 10s average download -> 200/ 300 MBs

Using WIFI and webtest the 10s average download -> 100/ 200 MBs

Kind regards,


Discussioni relative
un mese dopo

@javmg , I am running out of solutions. For this reason I ask you to contact our support again, so they can open a ticket and check more.



@javmg , Can you please check what kind of network card you have? I see at CNLAB that your network card is connected with low bandwidth. The maximum was the last test where the card connected at 650mbit.

Which WIFI standard does your computer support? Do you have another computer you can test? Do you have a mobile phone where you can do a speed test?

WIFI Standards:

802.11b: 11 MBit/s (4,4 MBit/s)
802.11g: 54 MBit/s (25 MBit/s)
802.11n: 600 MBit/s (240 MBit/s)
802.11ac: 1300 MBit/s (660 MBit/s)



thank you for your help.

Actually I don’t use any security software. The application listening on :53 was a small apache instance I was using for unrelated local testing during the morning.

It’s been disabled now however it was being used seldomly.

I’m using UPC-IPv4 for my tests, is that ok?

I’m afraid I haven’t seen any improvement with _2.4 GHZ (on the contrary, the speed is much slower and doesn’t go over 100 mbits/s)

I’m leaving a couple of snapshots but you can also have a look at the data here:


Kind regards,


@javmg , The signal values are okay. But what I noticed during the speed tests is that the DNS server is running internally ( Do you have a security software in use? If so, can you deactivate it once and do another speed test via our DNS server? Maybe you can even uninstall it once and then do a speed test again.

I also renamed your 2.4GHz Wifi and added a “_2.4GHz” at the end. Please test it once with this WIFI. You can find a manual for the speedtest here.



I’ve upgraded to Giga Internet but I’m afraid I still have the same issues.

There’s a huge difference between using the ethernet connection and using WIFI.

My test user id is as follows: 8174874106603201

I’m leaving 2 sample snapshots but it’s fair to say the connection with WIFI is >2 times slower.

I’m testing outside business hours and, when testing WIFI, the device is connected to 5G and placed very close (50 cm) to the router,

Kind regards,


@javmg , Please run a speedtest at CNLAB using our UPC Server. Your tests are not done via our servers, so we can’t see any details. What I see at the moment is that LAN 4 is connected with 100mbit.



I am sorry if you have not been treaten the right way. But we have transparent support cases for each issue. In your case, it must be checked from both sides. Either on the side of the network, which looks good, I’ve just checked it. On the other side, it’s important to know, which setup the modem is installed in? There is also a Prototype Linux Test available from CNLAB: https://download.cnlab.ch/performance/linux/cnlabSpeedTest.tar.gz

Please try to measure at least 12h or 24h. Send us your UID afterwards.

Could you give us some more information about your setup too?

  • Which cat. of LAN Cable are you using?
  • Is it the original one, from the modem?

      *	 If yes, which cat. does it have?
  • What does your socket look like? 2- or 3-holes?
  • Are you using other devices too?

      *	 Router, NAS, a.s.o.
  • Have you tried to disable your firewall?

      *	 If not, please try.
  • Which Security Software are you using?

      *	 Uninstall and check your performance. 
      *	 Disabling is not as effective as uninstalling.
  • Check with another System, if possible. Windows or Mac.

We are waiting for your feedbacks.

Best regards, 


Actually they were not and that’s why I was asking here.



Hello. Thank you very much for your request. Please contact our technical service directly at 0800 66 88 66. Our colleagues will be happy to help you.

Best regards, 



my subscription was “upgraded”  to Surf 600 last week but I haven’t seen any changes.

According to speedtest (web) the download speed is usually around 200-400 MBs with an Ethernet cable and around 100-200 MBs when using WIFI.

I cannot use the SpeedTest software in the sense that is only available in Windows/ Mac and I’m using Linux/ Ubuntu.

Is there any way to fix this?

Kind regards,


3 anni dopo