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I am currently in process of ordering a Fiber connection with activation sometime end of November. Is there a way to make sure I will stay connected (as today) to the 1Gbps GPON instead of 2.5G/10G XGS-PON ?

I remember 2-3 years ago it was just a matter of calling the support after the connection was activated, but now I wonder if we could make it already beforehand so that the day it’s activated, it’s already 1G GPON ?

Thanks a lot !

Discussioni relative

Hello @mko
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, we cannot do this for you in advance. Therefore, please contact our hotline on 0800 707 707.

Kind regards,


  • mko ha risposto a questo messaggio
    24 giorni dopo

    Hi Sunrise_Team , can you please advice on possible steps here? Welcome Team says they cannot move my connection from 10G back to 1G so we are kind of stalled here

    7 giorni dopo
    • Modificato

    Well, workarounded the issue by using an own SFP+ module for XGS-PON. In case anyone coming here from the future needs it, GPON SN and PLOAM password can be read from the sticker on the Connect Box 3. SN is taken “as is” and PLOAM password is the MAC address with “:” removed and all letters as capitals.

      Hi @mko, would you mind sharing what SFP+ module for XGS-PON you are using?


      Sure, ALL-BM410 with Cortina CA8271A chipset. Also known as XGS-ONU-25-20NI

        un mese dopo
        • Modificato


        Hey, You mind sharing how you configured your router to get a connection with the ALL-BM410…?

        Do I need to input GPON SN and PLOAM somewhere or is it a specific VLAN like at swisscom?

        I have yallo and assumed it uses a swisscom connection. Seems like I was wrong, yallo probably uses sunrise afterall as I received a connect box 3.

        Ok, I think I found the solution…
        …and here:

        I’ll report back in +/- 2 weeks when I am back on site to try it out.

        • mko ha risposto a questo messaggio
          • Modificato


          Do I need to input GPON SN and PLOAM somewhere or is it a specific VLAN like at swisscom?

          As you already found out from Hack-GPON – you first need to configure SN and PLOAM and afterwards you need a correct VLAN.

          XGS-PON is shared medium like DOCSIS (i.e. HFC/Cable). You first need to get the access to the physical medium (SN+PLOAM gives you this). Once you have it, you need to use correct VLAN to get the IP address.

          From my notes to configure the SFP module, a bunch of things to check if things are not working as they should:

          #ONT>/traffic/pon/show onu
          \------------------------- ONU INFO --------------------------
          Onu id 16  
          sdThreshold: 0  
          sfThreshold: 0  
          TO1: 80000  
          TO2: 1  
          eqd: 5[...]5  
          Serial Number(vendor code): YCEC  
          Serial Number(sn): 4[...]9  
          Password: 43 [...] 30  
          Registration ID: 0x43[...]30000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  
          \------------------------- INFO END --------------------------

          Make sure the ONU ID is between 0-32 (+/- 1). If you got a higher number like 90 or 110, it means your SN+PLOAM combination was not accepted and you are in temporary/registration mode.

          / # cat /userdata/scfg.txt  
          CHAR-ARRAY CFG_ID_PASSWD = {0x43,0x34,[...],0x30,0x31};  
          INT CFG_ID_PON_REGISTRATION_ID0 = 0x43[...]42;  
          INT CFG_ID_PON_REGISTRATION_ID1 = 0x34[...]30;  
          INT CFG_ID_PON_REGISTRATION_ID2 = 0x30[...]31;

          In case `#ONT/system/misc>exeep_w8` is not enough and your PLOAM password is still not accepted, it may be worth setting also Registration ID to the same value. Even though according to the docs “Password” (set via exeep) should be enough, for me I only got access when set also the Registration ID. This is not documented anywhere except a short note

          There is a bug in the register_id command in the misc CLI option that changes the value of pon_passwd (LOID Password) instead of register_id (PLOAM).

          Allegedly you can do it all using only

          pon_passwd set 001122334455
          register_id set 001122334455
          exeep_w8 0 "001122334455"

          but I did not manage to, I had to do it via the scfg.txt file.

          Hopefully with all the above you manage to connect.

            10 giorni dopo
            • Modificato



            Thank you very much for detailing all this. I was able to get to the point where I entered all those values. Unfortunately, the ONU id always was 65535.

            What value did you use for the password in the txt file? In my case, this field didn’t get overwritten. But it’s only 10 chars vs. 12 for RegId.

            • mko ha risposto a questo messaggio


              MAC address has 12 characters. Every character gets 2 characters when you encode in hex. So your CHAR-ARRAY CFG_ID_PASSWD will have 24 elements. Subsequently, each of CFG_ID_PON_REGISTRATION_IDs will have 8 elements (so ID0, ID1, ID2 in total will give 24 elements).

              There is no way to end up with only 10 chars if you encoded everything correctly.

              Make sure you set it in 4 places

              • pon_passwd
              • register_id
              • exeep_w8
              • scfg.txt
                • Modificato


                Thanks, Yeah I assumed it is the mac in hex. My MAC does have 12 Hex values / 24 elements. So it’s correct I believe. The issue is the CFG_ID_PASSWD stays the default value (which is 10 Hex: 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a) and when I update it via scfg.txt, it get’s updated but it gets capped at 10 values:

                ------------------------- ONU INFO --------------------------
                Onu id 65535
                sdThreshold:   0
                sfThreshold:   0
                TO1:   80000
                TO2:   1
                eqd:   0
                Serial Number(vendor code): YCEC
                Serial Number(sn):          4[…]9
                Password:                   43 […] 35
                Registration ID:           0x43[…}353730000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
                ------------------------- INFO END --------------------------
                • mko ha risposto a questo messaggio


                  Thank you very much, so it’s the one I should go for !!!


                  Ok, I see what you mean. Basically you are saying that the Password field in the /traffic/pon/show onu has the last character truncated. This is okay, on my system it is the same. I somehow understood from your last message that it’s Registration ID that got truncated.

                  For simplicity let’s assume my MAC is AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF. That gives me AABBCCDDEEFF what translates to 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46. If I use those values, I see the following

                  #ONT>/traffic/pon/show onu
                  Onu id 16  
                  Serial Number(vendor code): YCEC  
                  Serial Number(sn): 4xxyyzz9  
                  Password: 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45  
                  Registration ID: 0x414142424343444445454646000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  
                  \------------------------- INFO END --------------------------

                  so the Password is truncated, but Registration ID contains the full MAC address.

                  The only thing that comes to my mind is whether you are using ONT MAC address or WAN MAC address correctly. Fiber Box has 2 of them, maybe it’s as simple as switching those?

                    🙌Thank you very much for your help. It’s truly appreciated.

                    Thanks for confirming that the truncate is normal. I think you did everything you could on your end. Now it’s on me.

                    I believe I did test both MAC’s but I’m definitely gonna try and change the MAC one more time. Could be a combination of more than one mistake which lead me to miss the right config 🙂 I’m gonna report if I’m successfull.

                    mko ALL-BM410

                    Any idea on where to find a “Sunrise’s fiber compatible one” ?

                    Thank you very much.

                      • Modificato



                      I do wonder if it is possible to connect the fiber module that comes with the “Sunrise Internet Box” to the BPi-R4…