Internet Box

I had a wifi subscription with Sunrise and a I got the standard Internet Box and everything worked well. Then when I moved house sunrise didn’t offer internet to where I was moving so I switched to WWZ and the router they gave me is currently in my basement providing internet to every LAN port in my house. The port in my living room is working providing stable connection. BUT when I plug my Sunrise router in the network shoes up but gives not internet. Then when I try to change the router settings through it just takes me to a slideshow of people. It worked twice but when tried to change anything it reloaded the page and took me back to the slideshow of people. I know it’s not a problem with the place in my house because I tried a TP-LINK router and it worked perfectly fine. Is the router locked because I don’t have a subscription or is it broken?

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    hello OliverStephenson

    The Internet Box is not a normal router. The WAN Port is for Internet Access and has no LAN function.

    A regular router needs a modem to communicate with the internet. The modem is build in on the Internet Box and can’t be bypassed.

      Xydocq I don’t understand could you explain in simpler terms I am not familiar with this area


        I’ll try to explain it.

        Let’s say the Internet talkes english. The devices on a local lan talk german. In general a device on the LAN can’t directly talk to the a device on the Internet. You need a modem, this will translate to and from the internet for the devices on the LAN.

        A normal router uses the same language on the wan side and on the lan side. But the Sunrise Internet Box talks english on the wan side (internet) and german on the lan side. it is a multi-function-device. So if you connect the Box to another router they don’t get along, because they don’t understand each other.

        Also, the DSL Cable might look like a Network-Cable but they aren’t the same.