Jargalsaihan Hi, last few months I have been facing Internet connectivity issues - It’s unstable. Each time turn on TV, some msg appear to check the connectivity. So we have to boost connectivity on the Settings. Grateful if someone can check there and advise. Thank you Gerelmaa
Daniele_Sunrise @Jargalsaihan , Please check this at home, plug in the LAN cable and test it again. The connection problems should disappear. 😀 Greetings Daniele
Jargalsaihan Hi Daniele, Thank you for your prompt response to my inquiry, Actually if use the LAN one, not that 5Hz one. I will check it again tonight, How if it’s connected with LAN? Thanks
Daniele_Sunrise @Jargalsaihan ,I see that you have connected the UPC TV Box via WIFI 5GHz Try to connect the UPC TV Box via LAN and you won’t have the described problem anymore. Greetings Daniele