It’s been few weeks since I switched my subscription from Happy Home 600 to the new Giga one. After the switch I am experiencing randomly packet loss and Internet disconnections.
I have already opened last weekend a ticket (Ticket 12918895) with the promise somebody will call on me the 15th October 2019, but since then nobody contacted me.
The issue still persists, and on my side I tried everything possible to pinpoint the issue without any success. Please note that the two pc I ran tests are connected via Ethernet Cat 6 cables to the GigaConnect Box and speedtest using the cnlabs reports a reasonable gigabit speeds.
I have noticed that if I run the diagnostics the box, it reports errors even if it’s working normally:
Sometimes, especially when daughter is playing online games, she got disconnected from the servers, and the Internet connection is not working for circa a minute, then the connection is back and she can continue play the games.
I am out of ideas, but there’s still one thing I would like to try is to switch the box on IPv4 and use either on IPv4 or in modem mode.
@Daniele_Sunrise is it possible to have the modem switched to IPv4 so I can test directly and see if the issue still persists? I would also give the modem mode a try, since I already have an high-end router on my side and see if my issue got solved?
Thanks, best regards