Thanks for your answer.
What device would I forward it to? This is a ‘soft phone’ running in the web browser of a laptop. The laptop is receiving its local address by dhcp. I would findt it cumbersome to run it with a reservation or static IP.
We use this soft phone in the whole company here in Norway. We have a couple of hundred users at our head quarter, we have no exposed ports or Nat rules. And it just works as long as you have internet. It also works from every private internet connection here. So users can use their soft phone when working from home.
The soft phone also works when using a 5G/LTE network/hotspot in switzerland.
Its only the wired connection from Sunrise to one of our employees that lives in Switzerland we have this problem. So Im guessing somethings is blocked in the carrier network.
Inbound Nat to the pc is not a preferred solution. And it is not how we do it for the rest of the employees.