mjonas Hello UPC community, I’m having a little problem with the registration of my customer number… When I put the 7 digit numbers that I have on my invoice, it says that the costumer doesn’t exist. Why is that? Thanks
Daniele_Sunrise @egielle , thank you for the screenshot. I deleted it for privacy reasons. The fact that the customer number was no longer accepted is a bug and we created a ticket with the operator of the forum - many thanks to you for the error report. Greetings Daniele
egielle Hi Daniele, an image is worth a thousand words 🙂 Check the attachment, your system says that my C.N. was not associated to any customer. Let me know what can we do. Bye
Daniele_Sunrise @egielle , can you briefly describe to us what exactly doesn’t work where so that we can help you? Greetings Daniele
Michaelhello Hi @mjonas, welcome to the community :smileyvery-happy: This issue is known and happens rarely. It comes from an error on the MyUPC’s system. To unblock the situation, you should have a call with the support (0800 66 88 66) and tell them your problem 😉 Kind regards, Michael