Hi. So it seems this “issue” with your customers that have the digicard is not isolated - there appears to be other posts on the same theme - that the channels just stop working periodically. Not just the pay channels, the entire service gets cut off periodically.
This can happen several times a week, usually late in the evening.
It will be working fine. Maybe we are watching a movie, like tonight. So the TV service with the digicard works fine. Then, suddenly, the picture goes blank and usually a message gets displayed “No service”.
Nothing is touched, the cables and devices remain as-is, so NOTHING changes in our setup at home. Try again the next evening and it works again.
Previously your support stated that no digicards are present on my account. And yet I have been paying for them every month for years. Also, the id for both our digicards show in the online portal (see attached images).
The digicard is simply a cam+ card reader and a smart card. It gets removed and re-inserted occasionally just to check there is no dust etc, otherwise it sits untouched with the media devices inside a secure cabinet. It seems odd that such a simple thing could consistently work fine but then occasionally “lose service” in an equally consistent manner. And it seems even more odd that this issue has become more frequent since UPC was acquired.
It seems clear the issue is not with our setup, it has worked fine for years and still works fine except for these periods where “no service” is reported.
Hence, I feel it would helpful if one of your engineers would take the time to EXPLAIN why this issue keeps happening. It doesn’t seem correct that the service should be cut once or twice a week without warning nor explanation, and it is super disappointing when this happens half-way thru a movie….
Best regards,