Im trying to help a set up a vpn server. Im not familiar with sunrise, but I see that the modem reports a WAN ip in the 84.227.xx.yy range. After a reboot it reports a WAN ip in the 100.96.xx.yy range. However, when we are using canyousee.org to check if NAT and portforwarding is working. The IP seen from the outside is allways 62.167.161.xyz.
So, is Sunrise using a double-nat/outbound-nat solution? This makes the dyn-dns client try to update hostname with wrong IP. (It tries to use the 62.167.161.xyz address, when infact the addresses the modem/connect box is seeing on the dsl interface is the correct one.)
Is this related to the ipv6 setup I see that should be disabled for bridging/nat to work?
Last question, how do we get in contact with technical support in writing? Im not speaking Switz/german, nor is my english very good.
Thanks 🙂