It’s fascinating - despite a solid and long education in IT I cannot for the life of me get the blocking function on the Horizon to work. Maybe you can help me?
Here’s what I did:
Log onto the web interface of my Horizon box as admin.
Go to Parental Control and choose “Web Site Filters”.
Click on the + next to “Blocked Domains”
Enter a domain, e.g. “20min.ch”
Press “Save”
Open 20min.ch
Expected Result: Timeout, 404, “BLOCKED!” message, … Basically anything except the website of the well known entertainment magazine.
Result: The website of 20min.ch
Alternatively, I tried a different policy (“default” instead of all). Same result.
I also tried “[http://20min.ch”,](http://20min.ch",) but that one wasn’t even saved, it just disappeared. No message, nothing. And yes, I checked both policies.
I also entered *.20min.ch, this one also disappeared.
“[www.20min.ch”](http://www.20min.ch") was accepted, but didn’t help either.
I emptied my cache and tried two different browsers. I still had access to the website. I can’t find any help in the manual (http://www.upc-cablecom.ch/content/dam/www-upc-cablecom-ch/Support/manuals/de/hrz/upc-horizon-benutzerhandbuch.pdf).
Does this actually work?