Was your question answered by the Community? Then thank the user with a “like”, accept the helpful comment as the best solution and improve the quality of the forum.
Have you got a question about upc cablecom’s products? Then you are in the right place. Because the Community brings together our customers’ know-how in one place.
He who seeks shall find
There are already answers to a lot of questions in the Community. So it is worth searching for existing topics before you start a new thread. In the search results, all posts that already contain a solution are marked with a green tick.

Accept comments as solutions
There are lots of tech-savvy users here, who will help you and answer your question. Accept the most helpful comment as the solution. By doing so, you will help others who want to know the same thing as you. At the same time, you are rewarding the user who answered your question and are giving him important points that will help improve his ranking.

Say “thank you”
Are you pleased with another user’s answer? Or has the answer helped you resolve a problem? Then give the user a “like” – he is certain to appreciate this digital thank you.